>>5801810The size it is homages the original, that's a good thing, but being a retool of metroplex deflates the impact just a tad.
Especially since it can't accurately recreate its old city mode, least officially, and the fan mode stable enough to remain as pic related over extended periods of time.
Plenty of other issues too like the lack of (designated) hand held weaponry, overall the size is a small area, its all in the retoolings.
From an observational standpoint they're clever, rotating sections and adding in only a tiny bit to make him new all over again aesthetically, and if given a bit more budget I think we'd be talking more about him if the city mode he had was properly g1 accurate, may even excuse some of his other flaws.
All in all, he's big, can't dodge that, but that isn't the most interesting bit about him, since that's a size class, if anything a bigger talking point in terms of size would be devastator (6 voyagers into one small titan) or something bigger that comes, or a whole new mold (still awaiting trypticon and scorponok who'd be a retool no doubt)