>>9400826Anon, if you are getting your life lessons about women from 4chan you are doing yourself a horrible disservice. 4chan does not have the most healthy views on women. Are there shitty women? Absolutely. Are there vapid stupid women? With out a doubt. Are some women batshit crazy? As the day is long. And the same can be said for dudes. No the sexes are not the same, but the divide isn't the grand canyon like you might think. Might be a little harder to see in this era of people being extra shitty and crazy.
But there are normal women too. You just haven't found them, they aren't sure as shit aren't on 4chan. I don't know where they are around you but you'll come across them eventually. Most likely when you get away from where you are currently. If you lived in a convent you might think all women were nuns.
I'm not foolish enough to think I can change your mind on this. But I hope some one you meet will. Stop taking pills from other people, black, red, blue, or otherwise especially in this place and see some shit for yourself away from here.