>>9113339>energon inspired with some tfp aesthetic mixed intoI'll be happy with that, as long as she has enough inspiration from the Energon design that she has a similar feel, and the Ducati 916 is a very pretty looking bike .TFP Arcee was a good Bikecee but was a little too lithe for me
Definitely gonna get the BB movie and RoB figures if they're good, maybe even have one of them as my "main" Arcee, and I won't have to keep trying to track down an LG(although I still want that one). So glad I never settled for ERcee
Hope all the figures for the movie are good honestly, there seems like a lot of weird stuff that could make for some very cool toys. Nissan GTR Nightbird, orange/black truck Scourge with a giant claw hand, Steampunk/techno-organic beastformers, Offroad BB, Porsche Mirage...
Regardless of the actual potential quality of the movie these all sound like they could be awesome toys