Welcome back everyone! Hope everyone's doing well and caring for their Polys. Now then lets just get this thread started.
Lets start with figure news! To kick this off, Officer Betty and Peace Clay have been delayed to July. Hopes are that they'll release early on in the month. Bikini Lucio is still currently set for his July release but expect to see him delayed in a similar fashion like Betty and Peace Clay. Daibadi was also present at the GS figure event and we got to see a few of the future releases in the line! The first we have is the new reworking of the Organic Flesh Bodies, now being turned into Black Flesh Bodies. The bodies are said to have paint to match Morotoids so as to simulate Motoroid limbs. We also got to see a new repaint of Iana's head this time being blonde and with a Motoroid style faceplate. Aside from these we Finally got to see Lily, our Polynian fox girl shrine maiden! She's currently up for Pre-Order and is set to release this December if no delays occur. Set at a 6,890 yen price tag. To finish things off, all the 5th Anniversary products have been released and we still have no update on Oliviers prototype.
As always, here is the assistance e-mail for those who need it, so if any problem should arise, feel free to contact them over at "user_support@mile-
Once again, feel free to share your photos and adventures, they add life and some fun to the thread. Also, welcome newcomers, we hope you enjoy your stay.
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