>>6818267>Not into EVA, but seems like it mostly flairs up when a Japanese company starts tackling western propertiesNope.
It's mostly just Japanese companies making the same property, which always incites discord between the fanbases of the property.
When it's western companies, you don't see even much dislike between NECA, Mezco, DCC, and Mattel all making DC action figures.
Even with other eastern companies like Hot Toys making various licensed stuff, you don't see any shitstorming when they grabbed up various licenses when they tried to make more than just 1:6 dolls.
As mentioned, when Revoltech was making the EVA figures and Figma started making them, there was a ton of shitstorming in those threads. We saw a ton of arguing between the Bruce Lee stuff. Same with Michael Jackson. The Figma Rider stuff was also met with heavy derision.
See also MGS.
So the fanboyism is pretty heavy with eastern lines.
There's almost none of that shit when Diamond makes Planet Hulk Hulk to compete with Hasbro's Planet Hulk Hulks that will get a Mezco in a few months.
Company wars generally dont exist unless Japan is involved, even when it's just Japanese licenses with Japanese companies.