>>997556876cm isn't half the height of a grown adult, unless it's a manlet. Is Snake a manlet like the Revoltech is making him out to be?
Speaking of manlets
>>>9975574 you're just scrutinizing random pictures on the internetI'm providing proof, whereas you've totally held a FAMAS and totally handled AR-15s, yet saying everything is wrong, because you totally held guns in real life.
Also, love how collapsing a stock on an m4 even means anything in what's being argued: Yamaguchi fucked up the scale on the FAMAS and looks like he's holding an oversized novelty toy gun.
Here's a nice fun fact. Whenever you see oversized shit like that, it's usually because someone fucked up when using the pantograph. Most toys used to be made by someone sculpting the toy two sizes (a 2up) larger than the toy would be, because it's easier to see and sculpt the details. They use a pantograph to transfer that sculpt to the correct height. This pantograph creates the prototype that will be the basis of the mold and can be pretty costly to do.
See the oversized Wolverine circled in red? Toy Biz fucked up, knew they fucked up, but because of cost and release schedule, they couldn't redo it, so they just said fuck it and released it as is. Kids don't give a shit.
Yet Kaiyodo took the same lackadaisy attitude when they fucked up, despite catering to a supposedly more critical consumer who's spending 5-10x more than kid shit.
Given /toy/s views, it's not surprising companies can get away with this sort of shit.