>>6861561My post with the response from Cornboy wasn't on his personal page, but in one of the FB groups, where someone just did the simple thing of tagging him and asking him without resorting to a caps-lock "REEEEEEEEEEE WHERE ARE ADAPTERS?"
That dude got a response from Cornboy in a bit over an hour. I can understand not wanting to use FB, but there's always email.
>>6861523Oh, it's the Boss Fight faggot anon. That explains things.
Yes, they missed a couple of accessories out how many hundred? 43 figs each coming with 3-6 accessories, plus extra heads, but sure, use Boss Fight's waves of four figures as a benchmark.
You're carrying on here instead of doing the one thing that would give you a definitive answer, which is emailing them.
Your question and requests for photos of how each adapter looks have been asked in the Facebook group I'm in by someone else already.
If you can stop shitting up this thread, I will post Cornboy's response when I can be bothered.
If you can't be bothered waiting, you can always email them instead of whining like a bitch here.
Note: they also forgot to include the Vampire LB's extra head and Lucretia's pauldrons in the "this photo is to show what accessories are included" pic. They also took down the pic of the Dark Elf with the axe from the Vampire Weapons Pack for some reason, and only have the pics with the old shitty axe instead.
Accidents happen. Just ask your parents.