>>6933494Dude, stop lying just to feel better about this shit.
There's already at least 3 different artists renditions of danbeard posted in this thread. There's a few other artist styles of him on that gallery and every single one was created by /toy/.
And you forget the fact that almost all of that art in that gallery was produced by other boards, and as stated, they plunked down anything to fill space like this robot.
>"shinkibitch" is another version of the tan that predates danbeard, if that version itself isnt also older.She's not. She was created later, hence her design incorporating shit from the little girl. She came after Danbeard, probably in the same week though. If you want to argue that not-finalized-designs count, there was this guy who is a proto-danbeard
http://i.4cdn.org/toy/1525404085125.jpg who came in very early in /toy/'s creation.
>a vocal minority means nothing.oh please, you're probably thinking about those threads where only weeaboos were discussing designs for /toy/'s tan, exchanging drawings, but outside of those threads, none of them were well liked. Hence the creation of Abomination and Danbeard.
oh yeah, and there was a strawpoll made to decide which tan was best. Guess who was in the lead? Danbeard. OF course, it was called invalid when someone came into the thread saying people were cheating by resetting their modems.
Bitter tears and the need to call for samefag because they don't like the results.