The shipping of the Mythic Legions: All-Stars 2.0 pre-orders has all wrapped up, and the although we’ve been having trouble getting USPS to pick up our shipments from the warehouse in any sort of regularity, Mythic Legions: Advent of Decay 2nd pre-order wave of figures (minus the Barbarian Warrior Builder figure until it arrives in the warehouse) should be finished shipping no later than the end of this week – hopefully sooner. If you don’t receive your pre-orders or any sort of shipping notice for either of these two waves by next Friday (4/19/2019), please contact
[email protected] and we can look into that for you to see what the issue might be.
Of course, many of you know that that means we’re going to be doing in-stock sales on the All-Stars 2.0 and the Advent of Decay wave, but just so there’s not an all-out bloodbath of people trying to get their hands on them, we’re going to do those sales separately. All-Stars 2.0 will go up for sale first and then about a month or so later, we’ll put Advent of Decay up for sale. We’re not ready yet to announce when the first sale will begin, but we’ll post that info about a week or so before it happens so everyone can be prepared for it.
Last, the Mythic Legions: Soul Spiller wave is almost on it’s way! We just got notification a couple of days ago from the factory that the wave is being prepared for shipping now, and that usually means they’ll hit US docks 4 to 8 weeks later (depending on ocean traffic & weather). Once we have more precise dates for that stuff, we’ll be sure to let you all know.