As a 44 year old man with a wife of 16 years and father to two I'm taking the best thought here and assuming this is bait but want to address it all the same
>>7943198>>7943199>>7943232>Why do girls always have to push cats or cat-inspired creatures into franchises? Why do they have zero imagination?sounds moire like confirmation bias than anything accurate. It be on par of asking why guys always want scantily clad females in every franchise or why does male leads have to be majority? You all basically sound like the thing you complain about.
Of the studies out there 60 percent of women say they are dog people with only 11 percent say they are cat people with 9 saying neither and the leftover 19 saying both, leaving with about 30 percent at best that could even be crazy cat people.
That said I get how easily this confirmation bias works because of algorithms in apps and programs that just show you what you have look at/search before like my feed is full of girls that like rats and breed and train them but that was because I was looking up and clicking information on rats when I discovered some in my barn and wanted to make sure they would or wouldn't be a risk to my livestock, I also had a spell of nothing but girls that love robots on my feeds when I was clicking on information on IDW transformer comics for oldest who is getting into Transfomers thanks to my brother in all cases I could have used that window as a claim that -all girls- like rats as pets and rub off to robot porn, it's not accurate, it's just the algorithm gave me what I was looking at.
>they just want a title for their identity and a paycheck to mask their absence of a self.That sound like a lot of people honestly I mean hell isn't that what a "beta" male is with social graces?