I'm the guy planning my cyberpunk/technorganic moc with the rollercoaster rails for a mini train blah blah
But aside from that theme I also happen to be a huge enthusiast of classic "olde worlde" fantasy - so knights, kings, castles, wizards, forests, yada yada.
The Lego Company has introduced some really intricate and enjoyable building techniques in many of the sets from the last two years - especially in Ninjago Movie sets. I'd be so excited to see an "olde worlde" fantasy theme with these techniques incorporated to make some really solid, enjoyable sets. Ideally there would be no stickers, if pieces need extra detailing then it would be printed, and due to no over-head tax as this theme would be Lego's and not another company's then I would expect good prices on the sets, and if there are printed pieces, it would be more than worthwhile to pay a little extra for such pieces.
>>7179891Okay so it was mostly bionicle stuff.
But the lego bricks and what not were mostly harry potter - I have vague memories of owning a harry potter set, it turns out I owned two, Escape from Privet Drive and Chamber of Secrets. I also found alien minifig legs from Life on Mars. I have this blurry memory of owning the large life on mars set with the tubes and the blue plastic air blowing devices, but none of that was in the box. It's possible that there is more lego in the garage packed deep amidst other things.
I'm trying to locate the source of this blue space suit thing.