>>6250586I mostly followed the guide the other anon posted here
>>6244642>>6244644>>6244651>>6244654>>6244656But with some slight modifications. I bought a 1/2" thick piece of 8'x4' pink foam insulation board from home depot, they have thicker 1" thick smaller pieces too for doing 1/350 scale ships.
There's several methods you can do from here. first off you want to trace out the position that the ship will sit in, and then either cut out the styrofoam so the ship will fit in, or if going for a calmer sea just try not to alter the place where the ship will sit in the next step.
There's several methods to make the ocean waves and whatnot, for a smooth, rolling sea you can use a lighter, and make quick passes across the styrofoam to create large, gentle wave patterns, or you can use a wire cup brush and sculpt out some nice rough wave features, which I did earlier in the thread but decided not to use. For the lighter method you should lightly sand down everything to get a slightly more smooth finish.
The method I stuck with was using a rounded dremel bit (pic related is what I used) and just using it to shape the waves on the board. It turned out pretty good.
Regardless of what method you use, the next step is to either spray down some tacky spray paint and stick a paper towel role on top / press it down, or in the case of the more gentle-sloping waves from a lighter, lay down liquitex gloss medium & varnish and tear up a bunch of printer paper into 1 inch pieces, and lay them down one by one on top of the gloss medium, pressing them down with your finters and then laying more layers of gloss medium on top of the paper till you have a nice relatively flat finish.
Basically, after everything is nice and flat, you can use heavy or medium gel to create some more wave patterns and whatnot, such as the wake, then cover the base in your base color of paint.