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Set Name = Supply Wagon 6010
Piece Count = 35
Year Released = 1984
This set, though not actually featuring a Crusader fig, was still part of the Crusader line, due to its civilian style (similar to the blacksmiths set released in the same year). This is a perfect example of a civilian set and is the only actual set ever not to feature any faction soldiers. Designed as a supply wagon, the set comes with a great number of extra equipment, so if this little guy is attacked on this travels he’s not going to have any problems. This set also features one of the rarest shields in the LEGO world (the grey circular one) and the blue harness on the horse is not a common LEGO piece, it should also be noted that at the time the spear and cloth cap were actually both brand new piece’s and this was one of the smallest sets which a collector could get it. Overall great for expanding a weapon collection and the civilian numbers.