>>9817414>>9817419>>9817616>>9817449>>9817723>>9817815I am Jack's complete lack of surprise
the one saving grace is the price was so good i should be able to recoup my loss via selling it
>>9817710comments here + my experience suggests he has enough experience to know better, but even no experience wouldn't be a good excuse
>>9818256incoming proof but no reason to lie, doing it via stupid mistake makes me look far dumber than if he asked and I agreed
>>9817774wound up sleeping when i got home yesterday, day late but here's all the evidence. there any reason you asked for this or was it just to prove my claim for the community? Does he get banned from /toy/?
long back and forth of text, I omitted as much irrelevant stuff as I could from before/after the screenshot portion, just discussing figure/price before and my final "fuck you scammer" message at the end
also in his last contact to me I missed the part where he said he was going to file a claim with paypal/bank -if i didn't return the figure-, I read the "not humoring this unless you show dmg i think ur scamming" part and saw red and rushed to respond.
Reasons it's silly for him to think I was trying to scam and keep the figure:
-the laundry list of retarded choices he made for shipping this should be enough red flags to realize "ohh...I dun goofed, he's probably telling the truth"
-if I was trying to scam it would have taken all of zero effort to heavily damage the box and just claim it was ripped open during transport
-if i was trying to scam you'd think I wouldn't be stupid enough to send as friends n family