>>11302927All in all, nice figure for a budget option. Not in my top 5 of the ones I currently own, but decent.
SS4 Goku arrives on Tuesday, unless he suddenly arrives super fast too, because Gohan wasn't supposed to come until Tuesday either.
Unrelated, but anyone else find it weird how few non-villain figures come with happy/smiling faces?
Of my current collection, every villain has at least one, but the only good guys who have them are Super Saiyan Goku, Bardock, and the Vegetas. You'd think at least Krillin would come with one.
>>11302933Light meaning box-content, not actual weight. Only 2 alt faces and only 3 sets of alt-hands. Again, budget figure, can't complain.
And yeah, I suck at posing, I've only been in the hobby for a few months.