Why not both? Edition.
Last Thread:
>>6596509 →
3P Thread:
>>6593833 →
>>Recently revealed:>Takara>LegendsEncore God Fire Convoy (RID 2001 Omega Prime)
Legion/Legends class LG64 Seaspray & Lione (Sawback)
Deluxe class LG65 Targetmaster Twintwist
Deluxe class LG66 Targetmaster Topspin
Voyager class LGEX Greatshot
Titan class LGEX Grand Maximus
>OtherStar Wars Powered by Transformers 01 Tie Advanced X1 Darth Vader
>Hasbro>POTPVoyager class Hun-Gurrr
Deluxe class Terrorcon Rippersnapper
Deluxe class Terrorcon Cutthroat
Deluxe class Terrorcon Blot
Deluxe class Sinnertwin
Legends class Windcharger
Legends class Skrapnel
Prime Master Alpha Trion with Landmine
Prime Master Alchemist Prime with Submarauder
Prime Master Vector Prime with Metalhawk
Leader class Rodimus Unicronus
>MovieVoyager ROTF Megatron (New Mold)
Voyager Brawl
>ExclusivesGrotusque with Fengul and Scorponok (Hasbro Toyshop (TRU?) Exclusive)
Clone Cloudraker and Wingspan Two-pack (Walgreens/EB Games Exclusive)
>>Leaks for 2018 figures:http://imgur.com/a/UW5BQ