>>8712491This varies, just use your head and think about it for a second. Can you spray an entire limb without disassembling it, or will the spray not get into certain nooks and crannies? Will the joint need to be bent both ways to get the insides of it? Think about how the spray will hit it, and disassemble as much as you think is necessary. Some other tips:
- Remove all clear parts, spraying matte topcoat on them will frost them.
- Ball up little scraps of masking tape and stuff it into balljoint sockets, and wrap joint pegs/balls/etc. in masking tape too. Spraying these things can add thickness and make joint connections too tight.
- Invest in a part separator, it will make your life much easier and help you separate without breaking pegs. Many people use the Wave one, but to be honest, my favorite is the Hexa Gear one here, it's small and convenient.
- WEAR A REAL RESPIRATOR WITH PROPER FILTER CARTRIDGES, don't get lung cancer at 30 because of this shit.
In the future, when you start to recognize these things, you might want to just partially assemble kits to save yourself trouble of disassembly. Like, if I hit a clear part, I stop assembling there and just do as much as I can before going to spray. No sense in stressing the pegs more than you have to.