Sorry, when I said the Monsterbots were mean outcasts, I meant just Repugnus. Grotusque is neat and Doublecross just sadly has multiple personalities, and people just think he's untrustworthy. Poor guy.
Think I could maybe get the two-headed ramp guy for like $7 CAD. Is he any good? I've made Soundbarrier an honorary Rescue Patrol guy, either as Safeguard or as Seawatch. I've a Slitherfang so I think it'd be neat to have all the ramp guys, unless he's absolutely horrible. Gotta give him a bio too..
>>9230667>>9230711This was my jam, asked mommy to buy it for me as a reward for like, idk I think for finishing the Bible. Iirc Furman wrote it, explaining stuff from G1 to- y-yeah the other anon explained it. I think an updated edition talked about the movie or Cybertron, not sure. Episode highlights and toy reviews, think my copy's worn out with how much I've read and re-read it, bringing it with me to school and everything.
>was a geewunner in elementary school somehowKill me
Transformers -> Other -> Guides and Artbooks
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