>>11224060>tell me what you collect so I can shit up that general like I shit up every thread I comment inThat's some mighty projecting.
I don't hold grudges like you, nor do i revenge post. I'm not a rock bottom collector like yourself.
I'm only asking because I know you're in hardcore defense mode and so delusional you can't admit you're not obsessed with me because i said a negative thing about your toyline.
If you admit you like one of the toylines I shat on, it proves me right: that you're a deluded collector who needs to lie to himself and others that your toy is better than it actually is.
I mean, it's plain as day that something like pic has a shitty ass paint job, especially when it costs something like $160. This is the type of shit i shit on. Obvious errors, obvious shitty QC, obvious cheaping out.
When people like OP buy a shitty toy(s), he can admit it's bad. You can't, because you're at rock bottom. Deluded as fuck, and the rest of teh board suffers for your rock bottom mentality.
You need to go to other threads to revenge post, because someone said something negative about your toy brand. You need to cyberstalk people to shit on them for disagreeing with you. You hold grudges and obsess over anonymous people for years, because you got butthurt over them having a problem with something you saved 3 autism checks for. And you dont care it affects everyone else, because you're a selfish retard and butthurt.
pic of how a mexican was able to paint wood into an actual gold color, unlike Joytoy. For $150, you should expect better, unless you're a collector who's hit rock bottom.