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This is the old Polar Lights kit, which was a re-pop of the original Aurora. I bought the kit in 1993, and just started building it a couple of weeks ago. In the kit, there's no separation between the lower legs. Scroll saw fixed that. I made new red & yellow paddle antennas. I just noticed in this photo that I've got them on the wrong side. The dome isn't glued to the neck, and the clear collar isn't glued to the body, so I can easily fix that next time I'm at the shop. Generally, though, it's OOB. So much filling, filing, sanding, priming, repeat, particularly on the arms. Vallejo Aluminum and Light Grey. There's silverunder the knobs and lights, topped with Vallejo transparent. By the time I got a gloss coat on top of those items, they're mostly so small that you don't really see the transparent effect.
I'd like to build one of the nice Moebius 1/6-scale ones, but I've got enough backlog.