>Toylines you collect:Figuarts DBZ, Revoltech Evangelion, miscellaneous Robot Damashii, Mcfarlance DC and My Hero Academia, bootleg MOTU
>Favorite toy:I don't really have a favorite, but if I had to choose it'd probably be pic related. He's the only vintage TMNT figure I had growing up and I found him at a garage sale. I dumped him in water one time and to this day I'm surprised his sticker hasn't fallen off.
>Toy(s) you regret buying:All those NECA Aliens and Predators. They were nice sculpt-wise, but they all had shotty QC. Marvel Legends just sucked, and the Hasbro versions of Transformers I had were just lame in comparison to their overseas counterparts.
>Most expensive toy you own:A custom battle-damaged Majin Buu figuarts.
>Best toy-related deal you ever got:Robot Damashii G-Self for $17 brand new at a thrift store. Still weird that that happened.
>Toy/toyline you think is underrated:Roblox toys are great. I wish more people bought them.
>Toy/toyline you think is overrated:Marvel Legends.
>Biggest toy you own:I don't really buy big toys, so probably the Bat Raptor I guess....
>Smallest toy you own:Preorder bonus Keroro.
>Your personal toy grail:Nothing in particular. Anything I want I can afford to buy, and isn't an issue of tracking down. I just haven't gotten around to buying the things on my list because I just need more space.
>A story of a toy that got away (missed opportunity, got into the toyline too late, sold and regret, etc):Me and my brother found a SDCC Super Saiyan Goku at Cargo Largo for like $40 once. We weren't into buying figures at the time and thought it was too expensive for a toy. We still regret it to this day.
>If you read this sentence you must post /toy/ related OC or your mother will die in her sleep tonightHave pic related. I've posted it before, but I like him, so have him again.