>>9147844>>9147858>>9147934Here you go:
Taobao Body
Chinese body that requires the use of a proxy to buy, /ctg/ recommends 42agent paste the Taobao link into the 42agent link in the appropriate spot to proceed. 42agent makes the 1st purchase from the Taobao site and charges you the first payment then a second payment will be to ship the body to you
> https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a262i4.9165215.zhaohuo-detail-top.3.1c7a15f5vzfKwG&id=581324918972>https://www.42agent.com/services/quickorder.php I recently got mine after 3 months which is definitely not the norm. Usually it takes about a month or so to the USA.