>>10555291hey since you mentioned the retro line I wanted to run an idea past the thread. Since playmates has already kind of fumbled the reissues, what if they just cut all the nostalgic collector packaging out and juat offered cheap repaints of the vintage figures in big chap mei esc gift sets around the holidays? Ideally the repaints wouldnt be based off anything. They would just rely on being interesting redecos to get collectors and kids interested in old molds again. Think along the lines of what hasbro and kenner did with their various batman molds. They would come with accessories and vehicles too but because they're so different already the mismatched accessories wouldnt matter as much. They could also swap parts between vintage figures to make new weird variants or characters ontop of that. Like making an entirely new toyline from recycled old turtle lines.
Would anyone else be into that?