>>9324974I guess also cheaper and easier to make yet they're able to charge the same exorbant price despite far fewer parts.
>>9325191I don't actually believe this since 3p pauldrons are 90% of the market and the rest is Knight parts, and easy gun swaps disappeared with 6e when bolters came moulded with the hands instead of separate. I think it is much more just "fewer options for more money and less choice to not scare off new kids".
>>9325527It's not a pile up as much as a sudden immediate violent change that tips the scale. Everyone put up with every price hike and bad decision because the lore and novels and games and models were still good. Then suddenly all of the secondary things got shockingly bad overnight and all the specialist games that people were using to cope with the main stuff being so bad, as well as the vidya, all suddenly got taken back into GW's sphere and made horrible. 20 years of slow decline with alot of gold on the side, then suddenly a gunshot to the head and all of us thrown out back in the dumpster.