>>8604369Jaaks WWF
So one of my favorite downlow spots was Big Lots. They were a closeout store, like a much dirtier version of 1/2 price store/Gordmans. From what I could tell, they would buy out KBs unmoved inventory. They had tons of earlier Jaaks WWF figures as well as the pic related series of Alien/Predator reissues/repaints. I beleive this AvP line was a KB exclusive. They also carried many of those KB exclusive Marvel figure lines.
I found my KB exclusive metallic v1 Deadpool figure at Big Lots. I still have him too. He's one of the few figures from then thats always stuck around with me.
I was estatic when I found him there. I remember my friends older brother talking about seeing the figure in store once and even taking a red sharpie to his first issue v1 Deadpool to give it a darker metallicized sheen like the KB version.
But regardless, yeah Big Lots had some cool shit and acted as a second chance for some figures and lines that you might have missed out on. I remember them getting in a shitload of the 1992 Robocop toys like 5 years after the fact and practically giving them away.
They also carried some martial arts line of figures I remember vaguely. Can't think of the name. IIRC it had a show where pitched itself as a real world version of Mortal Kombat, where martial artists would dress up in goofy costumes and kayfabe fight eachother in what I'm 100% sure were predetermined outcomes. Anyway, I remember getting a small beige stone playset there that looked befitting of a MOTU backdrop. I remember it specifically having a waterfall made out of clear shower curtain material lol. Maybe a skull embossed into it? The thing was incredibly cheap but made a cool backdrop for my guys lol.
This threads got me remembering shit I didn't even know I forgot lol.