>>10085385Buy the G2 Ymir you fool. I have this version and it's a fucking marvel. Tampos are incredibly clean, they have a metallic shine and look like the old G1 stickers. The gold chromed diecast is beautiful both to feel and look at. It just looks so premium. Dino eyes can be switched from red to blue. It actually has great tail articulation. Transformation is fun, G1 with a few clever updates. It is one of my favorite toys of the past year.
I consider myself to be a pretty prolific G1 Grimlock collector, I think I've owned most G1-homaging or G1-adjacent toys of him at some point. This is quite possibly my favorite. It updated my favorite parts of the G1 toy, and is just pleasant all around. I'm definitely buying the G2 version too, and might even triple dip with the comic version, that pale ice blue looks sweet.