My bed is barely big enough for me, so no. They're all displayed on the recliner in my room (well, on the top and the arms; the actual seat of the recliner belongs to my cat), but I'd like to buy a shelf for them at some point, especially since my collection is growing.
>>6631801That's so cute! When my brother and his girlfriend were still long-distance, one of the very first things that he sent her was the oldest teddy bear that he still has - a Build-A-Bear-brand koala named Lenny. When she came to live with us last year, she brought Lenny back with her. Now they're up to four plushie "kids." :3
As far as lion plushies go, I just bought the Squishable mini lazy lion - it's incredibly soft, even the mane, which I was anticipating was going to be, I don't know, more scratchy? But I don't know how much you like the fat, round plushie model.