the "females shouldn't look like females" SJW shit is getting stronger with this reviewer.
>reviewer has an Allspark sub-board>middle aged & singleGuess I should have expected this. I actually liked this one since he wasn't some "I get toys for free and I give everything a good score to keep getting free toys" deal like Pixel Dan but now he's slowly going into political/social tangents that are more blatant than earlier, at least in some past cases it skirted the issue so it didn't come off as too forced, I expect it to get into levels soon.
As much as I hate /pol/ and want to agree with some of this stuff, they often take crap too far when they go into "sexy girls are bad" waters. This is turning into goddamned M "stupid ass fucking quote gimmick" Sipher. Big fucking deal. I hope the next female TF toy we get looks like Bianca Beauchamp and not some androgynous "female cuz we say so" thing.