There's misinformation floating around about this figure shipping with an upside down torso piece. It isn't true. Some may have, it's possible. But I haven't seen one yet. People think the happened because his torso articulation sucks, and if you flip the lower torso piece you get more range out of it. The reason this figure's torso articulation sucks though isn't because the torso was placed upside down, it's because the ball and socket joints just aren't very well designed. To fix it, don't flip the piece. Just heat and remove the lower torso and Dremel out space in the socket. Dremel the area of the socket facing forward to give him more crunch. If you flip the piece you'll have an upside down half of a batsuit.
For example, this guy is literally telling people to fix the figure by putting the lower torso on upside down. Don't do this. It's not how the suit is meant to be.