>>8669682Nice. I got most of the sets off a facebook seller that was selling the Lunar launch site + Saucer Centurion + RoboGuardian for the price of the base alone. Obviously I got that.
I see some RoboForce in there as well, I've bought one of their sets (the one you have as well) and plan to get all of them over 2021.
>>8669300Quality MOC. Rare one as well.
>>8668027Blacktron 1.
>>8669761Yeah, you're the guy!
100% agreed on the vacuum situation. Please post. I plan to mix my Spyrius official builds with MOCs as I go along with the faction. I hope I can get some good stuff out there for them, they certainly seem to need it.
I already have 2 ships done (built them about 2 years back) which I'll post next time I can take some shots.