>>10276608Maybe this is a terrible idea or maybe I'm onto something that might actually work. What is the plausibility of yanking the forearms out of a 25A Duke and replacing them with these forearms from Marauder Inc, along with some more detailed gloved hands? That plus the Duke head sculpt from Pursuit of Cobra could hypothetically make for a pretty great Duke figure, if the colors and scaling on the marauder arms are close enough to match. It'd be hard to guess without seeing them side by side though.
25A Duke is the closest we've got to a re-creation of classic 80s Duke, but its kinda dated and I want something with sculpted trigger fingers, not lego man hands. 25A looks better than Retro Duke but is probably functionally not much different.
If I had to settle I think I might just go with POC Duke and customize him with some accessories. I wish he looked a bit more 80s but my gut tells me it's going to come down to either a nice looking modern interpretation of Duke, or an accurate Duke with a dated sculpt and arm articulation.