>>7166220I've been wanting to dive into good sound. I'm in LA, I know good shit pops up.
Aight lets dive into living room setup, I've got too much time tonight and did my floorplan, so the fucky thing with the TV is where else can it go. The couch is across from 2 windows, and then the window has an accent chair and AC, I also like the social dynamic of it rather than being dead across from the TV.
So mantle TV is too high I agree. But the record player doesn't have another good home. Across the room are 2 more windows that have my 2 work desks. It's a real head scratcher to me. I mean if TV stays on the mantle/becomes bigger TV I then have the problem of there are 2 wall lights that surround it. I really don't think I can have a good TV set up.
On topic: Etherows hip flaps are gonna break off someday because they have to be bent flush and out for movement and it's dumb.