>>7859162THey come t an agreement and Tad (Space Ghost) moves his things into the new place. It needs a lot of work but it's more than big enough for the two of them.
SO the story goes and Ta dis still trying to get back into television and balance his superhero career. The town they live in is a lot of successfull but mostly washed up superheroes. H's trying to parent, uperhero and break back into the television game. KErmit not only help with the gardening because thats what he loves but he also has television connections so he's helping Tad get back into it, Tad finds his funds are running out after buying a lot of stuff to try to repair the house and then...
In Monaco: Jigen Daisuke (From Lupin III) is pulling his last job, wanting to retire but to have enough money to do so he makes his last heist , a mysterious briefcase is his quarry and he gets it, but as he leaves the alarm goes off and Kogure Kenzo (Figma SP-074) chases him, cornering him at the edge of a cliff. Jigen seemingly trapped just grins, and lights a cigarette.
Kenzo: We've been looking after you for ages, this is where it ends! Move for your gun and it's over.
Jigen: You've already got yours drawn, you have the drop on eme. (Sucks the cigarette) but, eh, do you have wings?
Kenzo: What?
Jigen: Do you have wings?
Kenzo: No...
Jigen: Then I guess neither of us can save what's in this this briefcase...
Jigen falls backwards off the slif, Knzo drops his gun and runs to try and stop him. A helicopter piloted by Lupiin III rises up with JIgen hanging onto it. (pic related) and Keno scrambles for his gun to try to shoot Jigen but it's too late.
Later, when space ghost puts and ad in the paper looking for a roomae to try and keep cots down and afford the place for Yotsuba and him Jigen, after motorcycling through Europe and taking a steam tramp to the states sees it and remembers when Tad arrested him ten years prior. He answers the add and explains (cont)