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So almost a month ago I received a Real Marking Ver. Sinanju, It’s the second of the “Real marking” subline in my collection; being the first one the Banshee.
Today I got it out of the box but to my deception I found that the white markings almost all along the body of the figure are scarping with an amazing ease, At first I thought it was a misprint from factory or a QC detail but then I smoothly apply some pressure over the marks and remove some of the appliances.
Yet I have the experience of the Real Marking banshee and a Metal Robot Ex-S Gundam, in which both the “markings” are pretty well fixed. My conclusion would be that in the RMV Sinanju the white “markings” were applied directly over the bare plastic unlike the other two that to the simple touch appears to be fixed to a coat of paint.
As much as it’s disappointing to have such a delicate figure I’m still interested in this line but I would like to share and ask for experience within other figures of the series. I was interested on those new real marking zaku and Rx78 but from the pictures those seems to have the same issue as the sinanju.