>>9120105>secondary market price>the same comic shop that ordered it from mezcolearn w3rdz
>a listed price that multiple retailers list a product Most of whom have differing prices. Sorta like comic shops, huh? Only difference is you can't readily look up a physical shop's prices.
>cognitive dissonanceword salad? Because you're throwing out so many "big words" all wrong.
>Did you not see that one dudes Amiami order history?No, but does that mean i'd have to ask for his reciepts then? Kinda of a tall order if i ever want to look up some specific figure and find a guy who ordered one.
>The rest of the room is always the retarded oneso you're only pretending to be retarded, right?
Because that list from earlier is still unfinished, so it's totally on purpose, right?
And you're only pretending to cope with every new fantasy you write about me?
>Honestly it's hard to tell with you.Why is it hard to tell if getting 4 of the same thing is seen as a bad thing in almost everything?
It's almost universal, except in this thread, to defend a favorite brand, that has its fans trolling a couple of threads right now where I'm not even in.
So even if i didn't exist, you guys really don't stop, which is funny, given what some of the people in this thread say.