>>9841905Spark is a good pick. pretty tasty and easy to find now. in the case of the taste, the majority of the base ingredients stay the same throughout the brand, apart from their kickstart soda/energy drink hybrid things, so i would say almost all mountain dew tastes like a flavored mountain dew to me. ironically i think the original mountain dew flavor is the most stand-out from the rest of the flavors and doesn't have this template taste i'm referring to. people tell me they just don't like drinking original mountain dew anymore when there's so many better varieties to buy instead and i agree. another good flavor is LiveWire, orange soda. so the logic goes if you've got LiveWire next to it the cooler, why would you buy the original flavor?
if i had to pick one permanent production flavor that's closest to "template mountain dew" flavor it's probably White Out. it's available in canada. most of their permanent lineup should be. they've also been doing special franchise collabs where they make new flavors exclusive to one store to use the popularity of the mountain dew brand to drive commerce to them. if you have a Circle K gas station nearby, there's a berry plum flavor called Purple Thunder exclusive to them right now. it should be in bottles and in the fountains there. was tasty, but wouldn't buy again-tier.
also another runner up for worst flavor would probably be mountain dew ice cherry. the original ICE flavor was lemon-lime with a bit of real juice added, less caffeine, and both variants were transparent. this cherry variant was this base formula with cherry flavoring injected instead of lemon lime and i remember it being pure migraine-inducing terrible. just remember the worst hangover of your life and all of the mixed drinks that came before it. putrid.