>>10450392Now replacing Drift's big sword with a big gun sounds right at face value
Never thought it fit for Blurr myself. Speedy guy would never be using a weapon this big.
What I do like is that that he can hold it.
This mold has very good articulation.
Blurr's neck is on a swivel and a hinge, so he can both shake and nod his head
Shoulders are on ball jioints, with a cut for forward butterfly motion.
Biceps swivel, and the elbows are properly double jointed.
Wrists are ball jointed with a cut to let them bend inward.
No waist swivelage although hip armor is on ball joints and stalks, so you can maneuver it nearly anyway you want.
Hips are ball jointed, thighs swivel, and knees bend. Nothing fancy there
The way the feet are constructed, or rather, fail to be constructed is the toy's biggest weakness.
Blurr is one of those toys that doesn't really have a "bottom of the foot"
He just happens to be making contact with the ground at three points using the facsimile of a foot