>>6705037>>6705098I think it needs to be strongly noted that this was all women pushing this shit while most of the men at the company felt like you guys do. It's kinda fuck up how some women cry and moan how sexualized everything when all you have to do is read up on history and everything sexual charged in pop culture and merc over the last 80 years was done by women.
>>6705072It always amazes me when someone can claim it's a dick measuring contest but not understand they are the biggest faggot caring about it, All the other guys stated it a group effort but the one guy claiming it's all ego shit is the one trying to claim it was all him. I mean I get he was an artist and that kind of hypocrisy is common with them but shit man even the GiJoe concept artist wasn't that full of himself and he actually was a major creator of everything.