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I was so excited about scoring Ironfist yesterday that I didn't remember to post this fun dude, he arrived yesterday. My experiences with AliExpress remain at 100%. Okay, I should take off some points for the pin missing from one hand, but at least everything got here. That hand could have fallen onto a factory floor in China and never been seen again, or lost in the original box (no packaging), or dropped by the person who bagged it for delivery, but it's all here. One spare pin from a botched custom and an obscene amount of polyurethane later, he is taking a holiday on Biosfera.* Even though he started floppier than me after four rum and Cokes, $17 for a complex figure that would probably be a $55 CHUG leader class is a real treat. I'm also a weirdo who enjoys taking apart figures, tightening joints, doing minor repairs and upgrades and customization, etc, so I got a pleasant evening of quiet activity out of him. Now I gotta try all the transformations.
*To the tune of "Holiday In Cambodia"