>>9083831>I'm glad she's in the first wave.Not controversial. I'd say the big three were april, steelheart, and cheetara, in that order. (I'm sure I'm missing a big one, but those are the main action shows off the top of my head. Maybe Scarlett?)
What is controversial is her being in the first wave AND looking sexy rather than toned down. The main girl showed up in wave 3 of TMNT and Thundercats, so she shouldn't be showing up until at least xmas. On top of that, she's much more feminine than april and pumyra, and even cheetara, which is something I thought they weren't leaning into.
>>9083417>Her and a host of others gave me feelings I shouldn't have had for another six years back then.You hang on to that unique nostalgia boner, anon. It's a gift.