>>9237043I blame MCU for basically using underdeveloped and/or one-time-use villains most of the time. Even some of the bigger name villains they do this. The movies are where most people become aware of those characters after all. Right now Thanos is at the best position for a hit AY but size cold be an issue. I think All Might size would be fine but maybe bitchy fans could actually be an issue. But I guess you could argue both ways, he wasn't that big in the comics depending on the artist and era.
For future I have hopes for Doctor Doom. Surely MCU will develop that character as much as Thanos. Maybe Kang will become demanded enough for AY. Not the obvious choice but he has a challenging design for posing and he uses a bunch of sci-fi guns. And X-Men villains probably have better chances in the future too. More of them will likely become mainstream enough. Not sure about other Spider-Man villains though, Sony involvement has high fuckup potential.