>>11135130>>11135090Im not a transphobe. In fact i'm even friend with trans person.
I disliked Just2good way before her trans-days. She's one of those annoying "internet persona" "famous bloggers". That can't wait to share his opeeenion.
And now when she's a "beautiful female" and can't stop putting her (not handsome - that has nothing to do with her being trans - she's just not that attractive for youtube thumbnail) face on videos and making it more about herself and her opions.
There are way better lego review channels to watch. Like bricks by mind or others.
Also it doesn't help that his production value didn't improve at all.
His channel has the same level of "young teenager-like dude doing stuff in his mom's house".
Look at people like this:
https://youtu.be/PHuhL9J_dZshttps://youtu.be/82URIW6kacUThey look a lot more professional. You want to watch them because you feel better.
How a fucking movie maker do not know this?