>>10713411Male dominated and every male acting ultra-queer are two separate things.
Also 40k is a actually a pretty "equitable" universe when it comes to gender. Women can be virtually anything in the 40k universe with the exception of space marines and custodes. Even then they have specialist orgs like SoB and Sisters of Silence to mirror the boys clubs they can't be part of. There's female Inquisitors, Grand-admirals and Magos Dominae all the way down to foot-soldiers.
TTS could easily have chosen to have some female characters but they didn't. It's not like there are none to chose from. Sisters of Silence, Celestine, SoB, female assassins, rouge traders, whatever. Here's an easy one, Big-tiddy Admech who's around to maintain the throne. But no, only GAYS GAYING GAYLY HAHA SO FUNNI!