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Hey guys, thought I'd do a minor update with a question.
Update on Loli/Papi/Shota:
Redid the torso design from the ground up recently with some changes to the articulation.
1) Shoulders will use v-shape layout like Revoltechs for the ball-joint's peg.
2) Hips will NOT be like a figma's, instead having a fixed set of ball-pegs the thighs will connect to with sockets.
3) [This is the biggest change] Torso will have 4 cuts in the sculpt to use double-jointed ball-pegs to connect the chest-to-diaphragm, diaphragm-to-abs, and abs-to-hips. That's right, the new torso layout for the youth protomorphs will have a wider, more 'natural' range of motion to better simulate a spine. Or at least that's the goal. Testing will be needed.
As for curvy/Ceri, nothing new, though lessons learned from Shota/Loli/Papi are already helping me out for future layouts.
I also have another figure about 2/3rds designed that is going to be a surprise for later. All I will say is that while it IS a 1/12 scale figure, it is NOT a human.
And now for an unrelated question (no, seriously):
What's a good figure with a realistic or close to realistic-looking sculpt of an Asian woman's face? My plan is to reverse-engineer a QT Asian girl face from a figure into CAD form to tweak here and there. I currently am eyeing two possibilities but might need better suggestions. Pic related is a sandstone print from Shapeways $18 shipped, the other I'm tempted to get is the Play Arts 1/10 Selphie Tilmitt figure off eBay for $25 shipped (plus Selphie's yellow dress can be removed for lewds). Anything under $30 is what I'm trying to grab.