>>7114314I hope the anon is still here, but I just saw your post from the last thread! The resin match was really good for me, the DIM head is their normal color and the Mirodoll body just says New 1/4 Girl Body Normal skin (according to the old email confirmation), so I'm not 100% sure if that means Classic or not. Now I don't know if the resin still matches if you order the body now; I got both the Mirodoll body and the DIM Flowne head with faceup in April 2016, which was when this pic was taken (I figured a old box opening pic would be the best option). I had gotten answers on the hybriding from DoA, but since the company got banned I don't know if you can still discuss them or not. Both companies had very good customer service when I ordered from them, so I don't have anything negative for either one.
I'm gonna be real on the posing, it's a 'you get what you pay for' sort of thing. I'm still happy I got the body for her at the time (it was on sale for $69 and I was still pretty new to bjds), but you're better off saving up a bit more and going for something else if you want some major posability. Her legs can bend twice so with some work you can sit her kneeling on her legs. Her feet can spin some but won't pose much besides being able to point down a little. Her arms I think are single joint so while they've got some movement she's not going to be able to touch her face, and while her hands can spin around you're not going to be able to move them up or down.
If you want some more current pictures on how they look together now I'll be more than happy to post them if it helps! I practice taking a lot of doll pictures so any newer ones are gonna look a lot better than my old ones lol. Or if there's any poses you wanna see if she can do that works too. I'd still say wait a bit and get something with better posability but it's your call.