>>9589085Not to defend Hasbro because fuck them, but uh.
>They changed factory from china to cheaper factory in Singapore/Thailand.Vietnam. And they did this like what, 6 years ago now?
>generations selects g2 megatron costing 40 bucks......then its 80 fucking bucks for the kit to fix him.Fix what? Siege Megatron sucks ass but there's nothing "missing" or broken on him. It's just a shitty mould that's done to death because idiots keep buying every repaint of it.
>Exact same shit with inferno, Magnus, tracks, wreck gar, gridlock, galvatron etc.Inferno is one of the best toys in years, Wreck-Gar has no issues, Grimlock is fantastic and only missing his sword (which is bullshit), and Galvatron is one of the best toys in years, you just got fucked if you got the first factory run. And they're rerunning him in Legacy with fixed shoulders and no battle damage anyways.
>Black Zarak>utter shiteThe Titan Scorponok mould is the best titan ever, arguably, and Zarak comes with more deco and more weapons, and is missing nothing. What the fuck are you even complaining about? How did you stop collecting 7 months ago but you have a new figure that came out this week, along with apparently tons of other toys that have come out in the last six months?
>>9589287I think Dinobot is some of the best engineering in god knows how long, probably since the WfC toys like Optimus. Just that whoever is in charge now seems to be shitting the bed, and we only get good stuff when they can ape MP transformations for cheap. Hence why I'm upset that there's no good weapon storage for Tigatron. Especially with his tail. Like I know he didn't have two guns in the show, but god I fucking hate the whip thing they're trying to pretend the tail is, and the giant flap on his ass looks bad in both modes. Just make it the regular gun.