Have you assemble an undead army for your Dead Master figma?
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>>5384427Toyline general info:
>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FigmaMax Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.figma.jp/en/figma>http://ameblo.jp/figma/ >http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figmaReviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan
>http://mikatan.goodsmile.info/en/>http://ameblo.jp/gsc-mikatan/Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version' >Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/dealIn case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download
section of their site:
>http://www.maxfactory.jp/ja/mxf-downloadshere is a back up, Enjoy!
>https://www.mediafire.com/?7l9ar0z58cx43saShort illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.
Do you have problems swapping part in your figures? check this little advice
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/post/3325Figma Firearm Database
>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bnVfq5-7Cxx3z6ibdhlHO1xJeUx7N-jYOm_yo_Bx6j0/pubTomytec's 1 inch scale section (where they listed all their 1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)