>>8087534>Paint is usually cleaner,Not always and even then, the difference is negligible. It's not a 2-4x difference. Nevermind companies like DCC do the same and are only charging an extra $5 and their figures are usually bigger too (and the price difference is mostly because of the smaller market they sell toys for).
>PVC plastic isn't nearly as gummyThey don't use PVC, it's a silicon. As mentioned above, it's just a difference and has nothing to do with quality. In fact, the silicon is probably more expensive, as it's a proprietary mix made specifically for Hasbro or whomever uses it
>and the joints move smoothly without being too tight or loose.Very dependant on the figure. I've had Figuarts and Revoltechs with too tight and too loose limbs. Stuff like Revoltechs also wear out faster too.
>Like Travolta Superman?Don't like the sculpt? That's just dependant on the sculptor, nothing else. IF anything, American sculptors are more expensive. Also, glass houses, but i certainly won't defend a bad likeness like you love to.
>But you have shit taste and a known bias towards certain brands like McFarlane and Mezco.Says the guy REEEEing over Mezco and McFarlane figures, where you don't even own them and just want to shitpost about them. Whereas I'm actually showing and proving i transcend your petty fanboyism, and actually speak from experience and actual knowledge.
>Are you actually comparing your ToyBiz Marvel Legends and saying there the same as high quality figures?Why is your English so shit?
>Holy shit, are you really this dense?Are you trolling or a third worlder that has a problem grasping simple English?