>>9458471I think even with new and improved articulation, a TVC Rancor would probably be a hard sell as a Haslab, given that as recently as 2015 you could get it in a set that included Jabba and some other figures for $130. If they tried doing a TVC-scaled one for Haslab and tried to charge $250-300 for it I still don't think people would bite, especially if the add-ons are as shitty as what they're doing now.
Though Paul from JTA would be cheerleading the fuck out of it if the tier unlocks were stuff like Malakili on a vintage card. The only reason he's not sucking Hasbro's cock over this one is because he hates TBS and it infuriates him when TBS gets vintage cardbacks for figures that don't yet have them in TVC. Even if the unlocks were literally the same ones we're seeing now but in TVC scale he'd be posting article after article professing how amazing the project is and demanding that everyone buy several just to ensure that they hit those numbers to unlock them all.