>>11316196>i don't understand how the past is relevant to the presentlol. please let this be just proof of your low IQ, instead of just another retard that 4H hires to shill for them on forums with inane reasoning.
I'm not bringing up the past to be some nostalgiafag, I'm bringing up the past to prove your entire logic is wrong. If, then; reason and logic, retard.
You can't use the excuse that 4chan is dying when the fact is that popular Generals remain popular, especially when NEW Generals become popular with as many unique posters as they used to have back in the day. I've pointed this out before, but the fact is that 4chan has ACTIVELY been slowing posts down for the past couple of years. Time limits + using cookies/emails. So of course posting is down, yet popular threads remain popular.
And yeah, Figma isn't as popular now, but not when Mythic Legion Generals became ghost towns, which you retardedly/purposely missed the context of what i wrote. Again, since everything has a reason, Figmas became way more expensive, thus some people lost interest. Just like how awful QC and poor customer service by 4H literally killed the Mythic Legion Generals.
>4H/Mythic Legions threads never had thousands of postersNo shit? Thus me loving it when you pointed toward the facebook as proof that i chased people away from /toy/, you retard.
Nevermind the facebook ALSO doesn't have an active thousand posters, hence joking (since retards are literal minded, i need to specifically state this) that most of those posters haven't posted since COVID killed them in 2021.
>b-but it grew!Since many of the photos I've taken are from facebook, it maybe people moved there to bitch about their toys breaking, since 4H could no longer afford their own forum and 4H started having the unofficial forum delete posters bitchings.
That's not growth, it's consolidation.
Fact is, sales needing to be extended 10x and needing blind packs to move stock proves sales have retracted